Final Exam

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The Assignment

  • Multiple Choice (Currently Unavailable)

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The Assignment:

The final exam is taken in two parts. The first part is a "Portfolio Review" in which a student reexamines and selects his/her best work from the year in Beginning Drawing and Painting for his/her portfolio. The second part is a fifty question, multiple choice test which covers information from both semesters of this course.

Portfolio Review :

In this class students should have completed 11 works of art. From this group, students are asked to select their top eight works of art that represent them as artists. This selection should be the work they consider to be their best work, that which displays their highest level of technical skill and that which reflects their own interests and personality.

Students should remove all extraneous material from their artwork and portfolio as they begin this process. This means they should remove all "Grade Sheets" (small slips of paper attached to projects that show a student's grade on that project and offer feedback) and staples. Students should not have any unrelated course material in their portfolios upon turn-in such as sketchbooks, drafts, worksheets, art supplies, etc. The only items that should be contained in their portfolios are those things that show their ability and accomplishment. This includes: Artwork (8 Pieces total- no more, no less), Artwork Placeholders (Placeholders represent artwork that may be turned in for grading or that which is on the "Glory Wall"), and Glory Wall certificates (certificates of achievement offered in beginning drawing and painting).

Once the student prepares his/her portfolio for submission they should complete the Portfolio Review worksheet and include that in their portfolio upon submission.

Multiple Choice Exam:

Students may use study guides completed in class to assist their efforts in taking the exam. Copies of the study guides can be found on the left hand side of this page.  All of the information for completing the study guides should be found in the student's "Sketchbook."